When Should I Replace my 3D Printer?

I bought my very first 3D printer( an Ender 3 Pro) in the summer of 2020. Since then a few newer models have come out and it had me wondering. “When should I replace my 3d printer?”. 

Since I was new to the hobby, I wasn’t sure if 3d printers were like computers or cell phones where you have to upgrade every few years because what you had would become obsolete. 

I didn’t buy the Ender 3 Pro when it first came out so I wasn’t sure if it was considered an outdated model. It’s actually considered a great beginner model and I’m glad I bought it. I now own 2. But that’s not what this article is about.

A 3D printer should only be replaced when absolutely necessary. If taken care of properly a 3D printer could last up to 10 years or even longer. A 3D printer should be replaced when it becomes harder to get parts for or the community around it slowly starts to shrink to the point where help can no longer be found for even common problems.

Should I get a warranty with my 3D printer?

You should always get a warranty when purchasing a 3D printer. Always. Your warranty plays a huge role in determining who deals with the issues you experience with the product.

However, a 3D printer’s warranty is probably the most overlooked aspect of the buying process. And if you’re also doing the same, you’re making a huge mistake. 

Most 3D printers come with a warranty, though it may not cover all parts of the equipment. In most cases, 3D printers come with a limited warranty for a 1 year period. However, you also have the option to extend it to a 2 year period, if that option is available wherever you’re purchasing your 3D printer from.

I bought all of my 3D printers from a store called Micro Center, they offer a 1-year warranty. All of my warranties have since expired, and I’m not sure if I can get an extended one or not. I checked out Amazon to see if they offer a warranty but I didn’t see anything, though it may depend on the seller.

It is quite easy to find what’s covered in the warranty by reading it on the manufacturer’s website. Make sure to read if the company is okay with resellers or partners getting involved in the warranty repairs. Then use that decision to buy your 3D printer. 

Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to get a warranty with your 3D printer. This way, you can get repairs from an authorized seller. 

I’d shop around if a warranty is important to you, not everyone offers them. If you’re not careful a 3D printer can break easily. Many people don’t even create one decent print before they give up.

When should I replace my 3d printer?

Generally, most people replace their printers before they even have to. A newer model with more features or a larger print surface may have come out at a great price that was hard to pass up. It’s not necessary to toss out your old printer just because of this though. 

The right time to replace a 3D printer is when you start to face a lot of issues with the printing or when the model has gotten too old. This is because it might be hard to find replacement parts or find any help from online communities. 

However, many models come with parts that are easy to replace. Thus they’ll never fail because you can always repair them. This must be one of the features to consider when buying the 3D printer in the first place. 

Signs to replace your 3D Printer

Some things cannot be ignored when using a 3d printer. These are the signs that you must change your printer now. Some of these signs are as follows:

  1. Discontinued by company
  2. Online communities no longer active
  3. Software no longer compatible with slicers

Undoubtedly, 3D printers are not meant to last forever and will break down one day. Moreover, if the problems are consistent, it won’t be worth the hassle of keeping the printer. This is because, at one point, the amount you’ll be spending on repairs would be equal to the price of a new 3D printer. 

Keep in mind that your 3D printer only becomes obsolete when it stops serving its purpose and is unusable. In some cases, your printer might be working just fine, but you would have to replace it because you can’t find any of its spare parts. 

In short, you should keep using your printer as long as it works fine, or you can find spare parts to keep it working well. Generally speaking, you can use your printer for up to 10 years if you are careful with it. Otherwise, if the printer parts are no longer available and the repairs are costing you a lot, it is better to replace your 3D printer. 

Common parts that need to be changed on a 3d printer

It is not uncommon to replace or upgrade parts of your 3D printer after some time. After all, they are just machines that are expected to break down at some point. The good thing is, most of the parts are readily and cheaply available. Some you can even print yourself. 

an old and new nozzle

Check out this link for common replacement parts for 3D printers at Thingiverse.com

Here are some of the common parts of a 3D printer that need to be changed after some time:

  1. Linear bearings
  2. PTFE tubings
  3. Print bed sheets
  4. Fans
  5. Nozzles
  6. Extruders
  7. Wires
  8. Belts
  9. RAMPS boards
  10. Heat-break Tubes
  11. Hotends

Though some of these might not need to be replaced too often, the nozzles have to be the main culprit. They wear out easily over time and use. So you might need to keep some extra nozzles at hand for continuous printing. 

The next most replaced parts would be bearings and belts. So it is important to take care of temperature and printer level when working with your 3D printer. It also doesn’t hurt to put a bit of oil on your belts from time to time to avoid dry rot.

How horrible would it be if you were in the middle of a large 3 day print and one of your belts snapped because of dry rot? Pretty horrible huh?

Also, make sure you store your printer in a cool, dry, and clean place. This way, you won’t need to replace the fans too often either. Careful usage and proper maintenance of the 3D printer can make it last longer. 

Summing It Up

3D printing is already a detail-oriented and effort-consuming task. Facing problems with the 3D printer can only make your work more difficult. But if your warranty is valid for the period, make sure you take advantage of it. 

Although you might want to keep your printer long past its due date, sometimes a replacement is better than repairs. You just need to look at the major signs and replace them on time. This will save you money, effort as well as time. 

If you’re not printing intricate models, then you might be able to use a problematic printer for a while. But even that won’t last too long, and you’ll also waste a lot of money on consumables. 

Nevertheless, always remember to use your printer cautiously, regularly clean it, and store it in a safe place. If you start facing any issues, inspect your device and get it repaired on time. Carelessness or ignoring the problems can only lead to bigger issues and even damage other parts. So always be careful in your printing techniques, and remember to follow the guidelines given in the user manual.

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