What is the lifespan of a 3D printer?

3D printing is quite an entertaining and creative hobby. You must have invested in a 3D printer to bring your ideas to life. However, if you’ve been using your printer for a while, you must have thought about its lifespan. The short answer is that the lifespan of a 3D printer might differ based on many factors. 

So, let’s take a look at all the details we need to know to determine the lifespan of a 3D printer. Moreover, we will be discussing if it’s worth investing in cheap 3D printers, and if yes, then how can you improve their lifespans. 

How long will a 3D printer last?

As mentioned before, many factors affect a 3D printer’s lifespan. These include:

  • Brand of the printer
  • How well you maintained it
  • How often you use it

So a good brand is obviously going to last longer. Also, a properly maintained printer can work longer than the ones that are ignored. Moreover, regular cleaning, replacements, and cautious use of the product can also maximize its lifespan. As a result, you’ll get more printing hours with it. 

As far as a printer’s printing hours are concerned, a rough estimate would be around 7500 to 15000 hours. In other words, your printer can last for up to four years or more. It will require a lot of maintenance, repair, and replacements too. 

Is a cheap 3D printer worth the money?

In short, yes, cheap 3D printers are also worth it. You just need to do some research, so you get the best model. 

The developments and transitions in the latest models of 3D printers cannot be ignored. These developments are leading to the creation of high-quality printers that can go above and beyond old printers’ capabilities. These latest models are not just good in terms of speed and durability, but also in terms of their cost. 

However, the idea still remains: that cheaper models will have cheaper parts, meaning a shorter lifespan. But if you use them with care and maintain them properly, even the cheap ones can work for a long time. 

Moreover, the positive thing about hobby grade 3D printers is that you can find their spare parts, upgrades, replacements and at a good cost. 

What breaks down the 3D printers?

Generally, most printers are designed to last a few years without maintenance and replacements. However, careless use can shorten the lifespan of a 3D printer much sooner than that. 

There are several parts to the 3D printers. While some of them last long, others don’t. Moreover, not maintaining these parts can cause them to rust and break down. Also, using the printer over its limit can damage its parts or affect its lifespan.  

In short, these are some things that shorten the lifespan of your 3D printer:

  1. The environment where you have stored the printer
  2. How cautiously you use it
  3. If it is kept out of reach of children and pets
  4. How often you do maintenance
  5. Not fixing the issues if you feel something is wrong
  6. What filaments you’re using to print
  7. Not following the guidelines provided in the user manual 

How to improve the lifespan of a 3D printer

While you can do several things to improve the lifespan of a 3D printer, you must also try to get the one that has a proven track record of durability. It is important that you buy a printer model that is worth the money you’re spending on it. 

However, even a good brand 3D printer will need some parts to be replaced after some time. This is just to ensure that the printer keeps working fine and gives you just as good output as it did before. Here are some of the parts which you might need to change after a while:

  • Belts
  • Extruders
  • Fans
  • Heat-break tubes
  • Linear bearings
  • Nozzles
  • PTFE tubing
  • Print bed surfaces or sheets
  • RAMPS boards

The stepper motors might also need replacements, however, the chances are unlikely. But the nozzles and bearings are the most commonly replaced parts. But, if you’re careful with the printing temperature and leveling, you can save the nozzle as well as the print bed from damage. 

Steps to improve the lifespan of a 3D printer

Follow these maintenance steps to improve the lifespan of a 3D printer:

  • Regularly check and clean the printer. If any part seems to be worn out, replace it before it causes a problem. 
  • Make a habit of checking the belt tension from time to time. If there’s an issue with it, you’ll see it in your printed models. 
  • Try and move around the axes to see if they can move easily. However, if they don’t, use a lubricant and put it carefully in the axes. 
  • Keep the printer away from sunlight and dusty area. 
  • Also, remember to lubricate the bearings and rails and keep checking for loose nuts or bolts. 

However, don’t worry if the belt or bearings need to be replaced. These are among the most commonly replaced parts of a 3D printer. Just make sure that you use your printer with regular care and follow these steps. Then it will surely last a long time. 

Worthy upgrades for your 3D printer

If you want to upgrade any parts of the 3D printer, you can change the following:

  • Upgrade the extruder to an all-metal one. This will reduce jams.
  • Use fiberglass belts for durability
  • Upgrade to quieter and powerful fans
  • Use a hard steel nozzle to print abrasive material


3D printers are not meant to last forever. Even the best 3D printers will break down at some point. However, depending on the problem and usage, you can deal with the breakdowns. 

Regular maintenance, upkeep, and careful use can surely improve the lifespan of your 3D printer. Otherwise, you can always upgrade the broken parts with new ones. 

The main point is to use your 3D printer to its useful lifespan rather than keeping it stored away for later use. Also, you always have the option to get help from an expert or upgrade to a newer model.

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