3D Printing for Kids, When Are They Ready?

3D printers are becoming increasingly popular — to the point that some allow their young children to tinker with these machines. But should you let your kids try it?

Kids may be ready to use 3D printers when they are 12 to 14 years old. However, they may be exposed to 3D printing as early as five years old. In any case, children should have adult supervision when using 3D printers. Their parents need to give them proper guidance to ensure fun and safety.  

Children, in general, are eager to try out new things such as 3D printing. After all, it’s another way for them to get creative and express themselves. Read on to know more about 3D printing for children.

At What Age Can I Get My Kid a 3D Printer?

For both children and adults, a 3D printer can be a costly investment. It certainly isn’t as cheap as classic toys. Therefore, if you want to get a 3D printer, you have to make sure the investment is worth it. You should also know if a 3D printer is appropriate for your child given their current age.

You can get your kid a 3D printer when they are 12 to 14 years of age. By then, they would be old enough to understand the risks and how to use the machine properly to avoid accidents. Still, parental guidance must be provided. 

Kids can be exposed to 3D printing as young as five years of age. But that doesn’t mean you can allow them to freely use the machine as they please. Since 3D printers use extremely high temperatures, young children can easily get burned or experience accidents. Also, they may have a hard time learning how to use a 3D printer in the first place.

On the other hand, pre-teens are old enough to understand the risks and the need to exercise caution while using a 3D printer. With older children, accidents are less likely to happen, and you’re less likely to worry about your child’s safety.

If you want to give your child an early start in 3D printing, consider letting them use the machine at around 10 to 11 years old. Even then, you should make sure they understand how the machine works, how to avoid accidents and other safety measures.   

What Should I Know as a Parent about 3D Printers?

Adult supervision is a must if your child has or wants to use a 3D printer. If you’re a parent of a child who wants to get into 3D printing, you need to be informed accordingly so you can guide and supervise your young ones while they have fun with their new “toy.”

As a parent, before you get a 3D printer for your kid, you should know about filaments, types of printers, safety guidelines, and how the machine works. Researching all about 3D printers is crucial for you to provide proper guidance. Selecting the right equipment for your kid is also essential.  

Choose the Correct Type of Filament

Many types of filaments are used in 3D printing, such as: 

  • Nylon
  • ABS
  • PLA
  • Metal 

Each has its pros and cons, but as a parent, your primary concern should be your child’s safety. 

Certain filaments produce more hazardous fumes than others(like ABS), so your child must use one that emits none or little of those fumes(like PLA). 

PLA is the best choice for kids because it’s relatively common, easy to use, and doesn’t emit toxic fumes. It’s made from plant material, so emissions are kept to a minimum. 

Get a 3D Printer That Suits Your Kid

It’s hard to find 3D printer models and brands that are simple and safe for children, but they’re growing in number. When you get a 3D printer for children, it should be: 

  • Easy to use 
  • Fully enclosed 
  • Affordable 

By the way, when I say a 3D printer is “fully enclosed,” I mean the machine has no (if any) parts that are exposed. That way, your child’s curious little hands aren’t likely to touch hot printer beds. 

For example, your kids can start with this WEEDO Mini 3D Printer for Kids from Amazon.com. It fits all of the criteria I’ve mentioned, and it’s pretty easy to set up due to the auto bed leveling feature.   

Set Guidelines and Talk about 3D Printing Safety to Your Kid 

I cannot emphasize enough how parental supervision and safety measures are essential when 3D printing with kids. As I’ve mentioned earlier, these machines use very high temperatures. If your child puts their fingers anywhere near the hot parts, they may suffer severe burns. 

Therefore, if you decide to get a 3D printer for your child, make sure you set clear guidelines and safety measures. For example, you can say that they can only use the printer if you, your spouse, or another trusted adult is with them to supervise and guide them. 

You can also set a temperature rule where they cannot use the printer after a specific temperature is reached. Of course, you’d have to teach them beforehand how to do temperature readings. 

Where Should My Kid Start with 3D Printing?

If your child is still too young (e.g., 5 to 9 years old), you may not want them to use a dedicated 3D printer right away. However, you can teach them the skills they need to use a 3D printer, make use of its capabilities, and ensure the utmost safety.   

Your kid can start with using 3D pens before transitioning to 3D printers. Before actually using a printer, your child can be taught to use 3D modeling or design creation software. Eventually, they can move forward to using a 3D printer safely. 

Just as young bikers use “training wheels” before using full-blown bicycles minus these training wheels, children need a way to safely learn how to use 3D printers without risking the dangers from the improper use of such machines. 

Final Thoughts 

Allowing your kid to develop their creativity and explore technology is good. However, they must be able to do so safely. If your child expresses interest in 3D printing, you shouldn’t say “No” outright. Instead, guide and supervise them to ensure safety while they explore the endless possibilities 3D printing can offer.


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